Tag: # Painting

Curiously Collecting Art II: Kill the Sofa

Jumping from the tracks, we scrambled up the shale hillside into the blue shadow of an open-grate steel bridge just in time to witness the approaching locomotive flatten the first of five copper pennies Timmy […]

The Visual Voice

Transcending culture, spoken language, and time, all visual artists command a common visual vocabulary. Though universal, this visual language breaks into many dialects as artists evolve means of communicating that becomes their voice. Some common […]

The Color of Snow

On the moonlit evening of August 5, 1851, Henry David Thoreau recorded despair over the contents of the current Annual of Scientific Discovery.  Comparing an unnamed astronomer’s dry writing to a woodcutter protecting his eyes […]

Roman Golla and the Goddess Imagination

Born in the southern highlands of Poland, the paintings of Naïve artist, Roman Golla, reveal an intimacy with nature few urbanites experience. Rural people’s lives weave across the warp of the seasons. They understand the […]

The Chess Paintings of Roman Golla

Naïve painter, Roman Golla was an avid chess player. One might even say his participation in the US Open Chess Tournaments in 1953, 1961, 1963 and 1968 would qualify him as a master. An immigrant […]

Lady Holding A Portfolio

Her eyes are a pale hazel, her hair a deep auburn, delicately framing a slightly smiling face in curls.  She sits pink-cheeked, in a black dress among a background of sepia and Van Dyke brown, […]

Finding Roman Golla: The Portfolio

What is it about the human spirit that causes people to make things? What flows in the pulse of humanity that compels the making of art? How do we recognize the innate roots of the […]

Curiously Collecting Art

Some years ago, while visiting the home of an older art collector to view his small but beautiful collection of 18th century Northern European landscape paintings, I became curious about his motivation to collect art. […]

Let It Snow

In many unseen ways, the portion of earth we experience as children plays a primary role in shaping and defining us as adults. We grow navigating the contours of our environment, exploring its features, and […]